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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome














Carpal tunnel syndrome simply put, is an overcrowded condition.  As you will see in the following video, it is usually caused by repetition.   It is found in females with three times greater incidence than males because the female carpal tunnel is only two thirds as big because of their skeletal size, yet the same structures have to pass through the tunnel in both males and females.

As a practicing physician for over 35 years, I get to treat both patients who have carpal tunnel and those who have had surgery for carpal tunnel and still have symptoms.  I find the same mistakes being made over and over.  We have literally helped hundreds of cases avoid surgery.

If you are new to carpal tunnel, or are a physician who wants to brush up on what’s out there, this video presents an approach which should be considered prior to surgery. The next part will require a little homework on your part.  If you think you may have carpal tunnel syndrome, you will need to call around to chiropractic physicians in your area that do extremity testing (think elbows, shoulders, and wrists) and maybe have extra training in carpal tunnel syndrome.  If you can find one that also does acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy, so much the better. 

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